Monday, May 14, 2007

A Fishy Week!

It all strated last Friday when our YoungPro fellowship decided to have book reading on the minor prophet Jonah. Well, at first I thought to myself, "What Jonah again? I know that story! Can we have something else." But as you will see later, I'm glad I went last Friday.

I observed we did not start with the usual singspiration. We started with the announcements and Bible verse memorization. (This time it's tough, memorizing James 1:21 in three languages) After the LCD was set-up, then we had the singspiration. ("For the Sake of the Call" and a new song song... forgot the title) I knew then that this fellowship would not be just an ordinary Jonah story. I was right! We delved into the book of Jonah through some games - not only one but three!

The first game was family feud (a group game). We were divided into three teams. We used the piano as buzzer (low, medium, and high notes... hehe) The game basically has the same mechanics as the original except the sole basis of answers is found in the book. "Woah... and to think this was easy... i was very wrong!" This game showed me how much details I've left out when reading this book and how much time I've spent on being contented with what I know and not seeking the deeper meaning of the details.

The second game was weakest link. Two representatives from each team is needed to play the game. Each player needs to answer a series of questions that will add up to the "jackpot". At the end of each round, the players vote off who they like to leave. Sadly, I was one of those who left first not because my answers were wrong, but because I'm a threat. hehe. But as I was sat out and listened to the other questions... I began to see a newer side of Jonah that I haven't seen before.

The last game was actually challenging... summarizing the book of Jonah and giving a moral lesson in as few words as possible. My group came up with a short poem. It was kind of a children's poem so we decided to act out some of the words.

God said "Go!"; Jonah said "No!",
boarded boat to Tarshish, swallowed by a fish,
prayed for forgiveness, was spat ashore,
He preached in Nineveh so judgment no more!
'Cause people repented; Jonah resented...
Poeple hide, God will find... He forgives!

We won that evening... Actually all of us, because we learned so much!


Yesterday, we went to the Mall of Asia. Guess who we hooked up with unexpectedly... Ahia Harg and his family, my aunt and her children and grandchildren (father's side), my mom and dad's friend (who also had a child taking up music). Well, that's rather funny 'cause it is as if we were thinking of the same thing and to meet up in such a huge place - truly amazing!

Then we ate dinner... guess where? Fish and Co. It was really sumptuous. It was the first time my family and I ate there so we didn't know the taste. Luckily we liked it especially their fish and chips. hehe (getting hungry)

Lastly, guess what was playing on Fish and Co.'s screen that night! Finding Nemo. I really liked this animation picture because of the rich characters and the adventure. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without my favorite charcter from that movie - Dorie!

I guess in all these, what I'm trying to say is that God's ways are higher than ours. Even though things or events might seem fishy to us, to Him all is planned and worked out! He has purposes why things happen. The only thing we can do is to live each day for Him and be thankful for the things/people/events that might come along our way!

Imitating Dorie's whale talk.... "TtHaNnKk YyOoUu FfOoRr RrEeAaDdIiNnGg!"

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