Friday, August 24, 2007

God's Leading

Have you ever imagined how your life would be 5 to 10 years from now? Well, I'm sure every person have dreamed of having their own car or house or even family with kids. I think this is the ideal picture that most people have in their minds when somebody ask them this question. But I ask you again, "How do you see yourself 5 to 10 years from now?"

Indeed it is a hard question because it not only touches the physical senses but transcends and delves deeper inside a person - his values, priorities and beliefs. Somehow this question has been lingering in my mind as I end up late alone inside my office space these past few weeks. This new assignment truly was a shock not just physically but also emotionally. It was as if this assignment was testing how long i could hold on ... as if trying how far I could go ... And I did. I tried my best. I even stayed up late just to cover up lost time for understanding things.

But as I drive home, I ask myself why do I do these things. I try to reason within myself that it's ok because I am not doing anything wrong. In the end I see a person who is proud to admit that he needs help. A person who cannot do things alone and needs to learn to ask for help. This is the lesson that I've learned this week.

I try to see this change as God's leading in my life. For many years now, I've tried avoiding work / subject related to Finance. I guess I don't want people to see me having a hard time or see me weak. But in the end, God is glorified in my weekness. During those lonely nights, he would allow 1 to 2 people to stay behind also. Those people that I thought I couldn't get along were really friendly after all. I also now have the opportunity to grasp more knowledge in this subject. He even provided people who I can ask for help. I'm glad that God didn't allow me to back down at first mention of my new assignment. He gave me the strength to say "I'll try and do my best." And that's what I'm going to do!

I believe God has a plan for each of us. It only matters how you see it. Don't be so blinded by the world's distraction, but keep your eyes, ears and heart open for His leading. 5 to 10 years from now, I see myself a better person because I know and trust that Christ is leading my life.

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