Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Everyday Missions

We are celebrating Missions Month at our church this August.

"What! Missions again? I've heard of this before, so what's new?" "I'm not part of the Missions Team. Let's leave it to them to do that." These are few of the things that we might hear from a regular Christian who doesn't understand the importance of Evangelism.

Many times when people talk about missions, we think we've heard enought o last a lifetime. Many times we think we know too much or that we did too much already for other ministries that we need not get involved in this kind of ministry.

I beg to differ. As a praise leader, I must admit that the temptation is great to focus on the songs, self, immediate congregation and be boxed in to that cast. But this is not what the Bible clearly tells.

From the fellowship last Friday, it is clear that everyone has this mission. (I guess everyone knew that too.) But what they might not know is that thousands of people are dying every minute without being able to even hear of their Saviour.

I'm not saying here that everyone needs to be a "sent" or the one actually preaching. In this minitsry, "senders" also play an important part in that they are the ones who are supporting the "sent" ones. Both are equally necessary.

It is a sad thing that although we have the right message and the right resources, we just couldn't obey God's command because we are not committed to His call. I pray that in this ministry, everyday is a personal commitment to His mission - an opportunity to share your own testimony, an intimate relationship with God full of prayers for the lost.

What we can do:
1) Pray for God's guidance that He'll enlighten you whether to be "sent" or to be a "sender"
2) Be committed to obey His mission (MISSION, SUBMISSION, COMMISSION)
3) Be updated on what is happening around you! You never know when God wants you to go!

4) Be informed on what God is telling you through the pastors and the Bible
5) Make every month a Missions Month.

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