Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Put On A Happy Face! Ü

As I look into the emptiness of the office cubicles, one poster strucked me always. As my company move to a new site, I'm sure that poster will be left behind. So I'm copying it to my blog so that it will always inspire me to do it daily and so that it could inspire other people to do it as well.

A SMILE costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give.

A SMILE creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in the business and is the countersign of friendship.

A SMILE brings rests to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature's best antidote for trouble.

Yet a SMILE cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.

Some people are too tired to give you a SMILE. Give them one of yours, as none needs a SMILE so much as he who has no more to give :-)

Surely if only everybody smile at each other sincerely, everybody will feel better and get along better. It starts with me. I must not be a passive receiver always, sometimes I have to be a proactive giver! As the short saying tells us, a smile is free so don't be a scrooge! Who knows, your smile may make someone's day complete (I know who makes mine...) or make someone's day start right! hehe.

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