Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Haha. I've missed blogging for how many days, how many months now. I even passed by my birthday without ever posting a blog entry. I don't know, maybe I got tired, lazy or busy. Well, it doesn't matter now, I've decided to at least post here once in a while (hopefully once a month or more!).


As I've watched and observed the people around me, I ask myself how do I interact with them. Do I honestly impact them positively or nergatively? Do my words edify them or bring them down? Do my actions uplift them or make them stumble? I know I am not perfect in my own ways, but have I tried to live a life worth remembering? When I die, what would people say about me? I like the tagline of the Mapawa Resort in CDO "Stop dreaming, Start doing!"


Our church is currently studying the latter part of Ephesians. It's all about relationships - husband-wife, children-parents. Next month, we will be starting to discuss master-servant relationships. I think this would really be a good one since I am an employee. As an emplyee, how should I treat my boss (both Christian and non-Christian).


I'm using your format Ahia Elliott! hehe.. thanks

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