Sunday, July 13, 2008

Blessed by Someone I Never Knew

Tonight, as I entered through the big doors of Sanctuarium (in Araneta), I had in my mind a preconceived notion of what should happen in a memorial service. I have been to funeral services in the past before, so you could say that I know the sequence and order of the service. Most of the time, I was a part of the special number (this is usually a song rendition to comfort those who were left behind by the deceased) that was part of the memorial service. I really hoped in my heart that I could try to reach out to the family through the songs, but I didn't expect that I could gain something from someone who I never knew.

Even before the choir volunteered to do the special number, I told one of my closest friends that Shalom G2 should do a special number (even though half of the group were actually grandchildren of the deceased). I told her that we would just do a simple song probably hymn. Then I found out that the choir would sing so I was still glad that I could sing at the memorial service.

As soon as I found the room where the choir was practicing, I prepared myself to give my deepest sympathies through the song that we were going to sing. The time came when we did the special number and I believe our condolences reached the families left by the Bendicion patriarch. I thought to myself that was it. But I was wrong.

As I listened through the sermon, I was actually thinking of how it would be like to live up to 81 years old. To be able to see my sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, even great grandchildren grow up in a happy, loving families. Truly, this must be a blessing from the Lord! 

I never knew this man. But from countless testimonies, he was a man of few words. He did express himself that outwardly, but he conveyed his love through his actions to God, to his family, friends, and even several organizations. He did not seek glory for himself but thought of God and others before himself. I agree with Rev. Danny's message today (in 2 Timothy 4:7-8) that he fought a good fight, he finished the race and have kept his faith till the end. From testimonies upon testimonies, I have felt that he was really a good man. Someday (in heaven) I pray that I can see you so we can both praise and worship our Heavenly Father. 

Rest in Peace... for even in your death your life has been one shining example of how Christians should live in this world.

A message from you someone you don't know...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Haha. I've missed blogging for how many days, how many months now. I even passed by my birthday without ever posting a blog entry. I don't know, maybe I got tired, lazy or busy. Well, it doesn't matter now, I've decided to at least post here once in a while (hopefully once a month or more!).


As I've watched and observed the people around me, I ask myself how do I interact with them. Do I honestly impact them positively or nergatively? Do my words edify them or bring them down? Do my actions uplift them or make them stumble? I know I am not perfect in my own ways, but have I tried to live a life worth remembering? When I die, what would people say about me? I like the tagline of the Mapawa Resort in CDO "Stop dreaming, Start doing!"


Our church is currently studying the latter part of Ephesians. It's all about relationships - husband-wife, children-parents. Next month, we will be starting to discuss master-servant relationships. I think this would really be a good one since I am an employee. As an emplyee, how should I treat my boss (both Christian and non-Christian).


I'm using your format Ahia Elliott! hehe.. thanks

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Interesting Chinese Words

Very interesting! !!

This has been around before. But it's good to be reminded that there is a link of the ancient Chinese (before Budhism) to the Christian faith as seen in these Chinese written characters.

Visit this link http://students. washington. edu/cbsf/ cool/Chinese. swf and you will be surprised.

Friday, February 08, 2008


No, I'm not going to sing, but I just feel like talking about my memories this time.

Have you experienced talking with a group of freinds or perhaps classmates about current events or common interests then suddenly one would, out of the blue, mention something about the past? That doesn't end there. Have you experienced not remembering what they were talking about? Yup, that's a problem for me.

One time during a recent winter camp, we were watching a bunch of teens playing some camp games. As I watched there, I was happy because I feel that it was a good game that I've never heard or played before. To my surprise, a friend beside me said that we played that game before when we were younger. (what? Am I that old to forget? hmmm...) I remember that I once went to Disney World and that I got lost, but as to the rest of the trip, I'm not sure what happened.

Well, it's true that I can't remember most of my childhood. (I think I played a lot... studied not that seriously until grade 4... had a crush... liked very much artistry and Math... was thinner...) But does it mean that those memories that I forgot doesn't mean much to me? (Hmmm...) A friend of mine once said that we tend to remember memories that have an impact in our lives. It guess this is true. Although I can't help but think that maybe the memories that we forget is still a vital part of us. Though we may have forgotten, Though it is hard to remember, it is still a part of who you are now. (We are not controlled by it, instead we use it as a booster to our current lives - how we want to live our lives)

My solution: three ways - 1) blog 2) pictures and 3) people.

Since I'm a person who is expressive in terms of writing, blogging has been a constant way for me to express myself. It has been over a year since I started blogging and I think it is a wonderful way to keep track of the important things that happened in my life. Well, some people try to have a blog entry everyday, but I guess, all I want to do here is to be conscious that some memories are special and some may even help out other people. That's why it's noteworthy to write them down.

Another hobby that I am starting to catch now is photography. I guess I too caught the camera fever (from chruch???)! Pictures are worth a thousand words. (I think we sang a song with this title...) This is so true. Pictures capture moments in time - as if freezing that time. What's good about it is that we can go back and reminisce what has happened. I just need to attend one of the summer classes in photography to at least incrase my knowledge in this area. hehe...

Lastly, people help you remember. What better "remembering machine" than a person who experienced that same moment with you. Although there will come a time when both of you might / will forget, but until that time comes, an ever present friend is all you need to be reminded of your memories. That's why be more open to people. (If not even to a selcet few...) I'm sure, this way you'll have happy memories to keep rather than lonely ones.

So what's your way to remember things? Share them here...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Something to Start the Year With

This actually was brought about through my conversation with my boss. There I was in his room, keeping my thoughts to myself as he was reading my evaluation for the past year. I was very tense since I know he had a great expectation from me. Eventhough he already said that I had one of the best written evaluation among his team members, something inside of me still longed for assurance, for security.

We talked for a while through my accomplishments, then we went into strengths. He totally agreed with it. He didn't disapprove of anything that I wrote. I was relieved for a while but when it came to my weakness, I suddenly felt that uneasy feeling coming back. I don't know if it's natural, but talking about one's weakness seems to leave one naked and nobody wants that "butterfly in the stomach" feeling.

But something in the conversation made an impact on me. The ones that I wrote down were true. I need to be a confident, executing, clear thinker. Let me explain. I am person who is easily distracted by the things that come my way. More so, I am a forgetful person. Would you believe there are some childhood memories that I can't remember already? I need to be confident - not just about myself but also of the results of my work. Lastly, I need to achieve my set goals and if possible exceed these expectations.

Woah! talk about some hard and serious stuff. But when I think about it, they are all true. One sentence stuck to my mind for the rest of the session and I just want to share it with you. "Begin with the end in mind." What does this means? It means going from general to specific. In one of Stephen Covey's book, he did an illustration that is very fitting for this. Think about the future you who is already dead. And let's just say that you happen to be a ghost who is on your own funeral. What would you like to hear from those who attended your service? "Oh, this man was very irresponsible when he was alive!" "This man did not finish anything that he started!" or would you rather hear "He was a great loss to all of us because he was one who encouraged us by the way he lived his life!" " He always surprised (exceeded expectations) me with his work!"

This is also relevant not only in work, but also in life, in church, in the family. "Begin with the end in mind!" I want to be a good Christian. I want God to say "Welcome my good and faithful servant!" I want to be a good son and brother. Of course, after which planning how to achieve that is equally important. At least I have something to begin with.

I can't say that I'll be able to turn at once my weakness into strengths, but with God's help maybe I can (I will) in the near future.