Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Worship 101

"It's a hard thing to express, but for me, I sense God's pleasure when I sing to Him. And nothing pleases me more than when other people tell me that they also sense His pleasure when they listen to me sing."

- Abridged from
My Second Chapter: The Matthew Ward Story. Copyright © 2006 by Matthew Ward.
- Taken from


My thoughts:

I had my ups and downs in leading the praise and worship - from being commented and praised to having a bad rehearsal (which led to arguments within the group). After evaluating what happened and where all these come from, we talked about it and shared what we thought, shared what we felt. I can sense that we tried not to only compromise onto a solution, but to really cooperate and refocus on why in the first place we are doing this kind of service.

Yes, we could have blamed each other and pretended that nothing was ever wrong when we get on to lead the praise and worship. Yes, we could faked it all along and just do it technically because either way the congregation wouldn't know what lies behind each practice, each team member, each song. But in the end, the congregation is not the audience. We had to humble ourselves and resolve this because I'm losing the first and foremost reason why I joined the praise and worship group, I'm losing the reason why I sing - to please God, not men. Men may or may not see our intentions; they might or might not get a sense that we don't work together as a group, but the Lord sees all and everything.

Therefore, I have decided to do these goals as I continue to lead them to worship:
1) Preparation - Who is my audience? (not myself, not the congregation)
2) Evaluation - Am I alright with my God? (prayed, read the Bible, etc.)
3) Cooperation - Am I doing this the right way? (work together)
4) Participation - Am I really "leading" them to praise/glorify God? (hopefully they will also offer to God a pleasing aroma of worship from the heart!)


My prayer:

I pray for myself as I am leading the worship service. Yes, it is true that leaders are attacked the most since when they make a mistake, many others will follow him fall. I pray that I will always be alert and stand firm in the Word. Next, I pray for my team members. I know that we may have our differences, but we can still lay aside these and cooperate to come before God and give Him the best praise and worship ever! I pray for the congregation that may be able to worship with us with all their hearts and minds, in spirit and in truth. Thank You for your infinite mercy and grace and for giving us the richness of music. May all glory be to You and You alone always. In Jesus' name, Amen.